Friday, February 19, 2010

On why I abandaoned my blog for all these months...

The whole concept of blogging came about when I was in grad school, like almost 7 years ago (wow, I am THAT old!) - and I remember that my then boy freind, who was a self confessed and amply acknowledged geek said to me "Wow, isn't this cool ? You can post your thoughts, articles whatever you like online!! Like a diary, except online..". Now, non-gadgety as I am , my engineering degree notwithstanding, I didn't quite relate to his excitement about having my whole life online and didn't grasp why this was supposed to be so much fun- not that I had ever been much of diary writer either. I shrugged his enthusiasm away..But now, I will tell you - despite my apparent reticence on my blog, I LOVE my blog. Mostly because I feel like its mine. A space I have created for myself, where I write, I live and for now, for the most part, only I read - I dont mind that very much, although it wouldn't be so bad to share my virtual space with freinds. Actually I guess I am a bit undecided about sharing this space, at this point sharing my presence here with everyone is allowing people to intrude into what has come to be my personal space. To me, my little corner here is different from my facebook presence where I am up there for everyone to see, supposedly. My facebook presence is within the facebook framework, where I am available to people and they are available to me according to FB's rules. On my blog though, its ALL me.

So why do I periodically abandon it ? Because I tend to take all that I love for granted - all that I love and all that makes me feel loved. I miss them, I think about them but because I know that they will always be there I dont make an effort to be in touch with them.

So there- that is my sentimental ode to my home online. I think about you, I love you, you make me feel special - and your punishment for all of that is that I dont stop by often enough.