Monday, March 14, 2011

A Rose, with my morning coffee...

I am always a bit reluctant to talk to strangers, especially those that look scruffy, and seem overtly friendly. Forgive me for typecasting some of them into having a certain 'look' -On the other side of 50, a dirty sleeveless t-shirt, bandana, dark sunglasses, and hulk hogan style beard. Even though I am reluctant to talk to them, I do want to have a conversation with them. I want to ask them about their lives, and what got them into being, you know, the biker type and into wearing this 'look'. They ride on these big,bulky super cool bikes - ones I'd love to get on and ride. The husband and I are on vacation for a few days in the Keys, in Florida - where over 50 or 60 is the age profile. We are not on bikes though, just a Dodge.
We stopped over at one of the "On the Run" gas stations for some coffee before we got on our way to Key West. My husband likes iced coffee. One of these cool over 50 people who had that 'look' was getting his coffee. He explained to my husband why he always got hot coffee in the mornings and iced coffee in the evenings. And that he made hats for a living. I got my coffee and made my way out of the store; I found him walking across with his cup. He said "So did you get your coffee iced too?"
"No, I like mine hot in the morning, just like you". Somehow I guess I didnt mind talking to this friendly older stranger in broad daylight. I saw him going towards a bicycle, not a bike. And I saw palm leaves fastened to the back of his bike. I wondered if he made his hats from these leaves..
We were about to ride away, I waved good bye to him. He seemed like he was saying something, he was asking us to stop.
"What does he want, what is he doing?", I looked sideways at my husband.
My husband however, rolled down the windows of our car to see what the smiling stranger had to tell us.. The engine kept running though.
He seemed to be busily wrapping a twig around what seemed like a banana leaf. He said he needed the twig to wrap around to hold it in place. He was in a hurry, and was a little frustrated. It seemed as if making it stay in place is something he did all the time and it seemed to work out perfectly well at all other times, except today.
He managed though. And looked a lot calmer after he finished winding the twig around. His smile was back.
"Here, this is for you", he said as he handed a bare, thin twig to my husband.
"And this, my dear, is for you", he handed me a rose, made of coconut palm leaf. It was a perfect rose. With a long slender stem, and all the petals wound around one another.
"Thank you, thank you so much". I was amazed at its perfection, and was thinking too many things at the same time, like how much practice does one need to wind up a flower from palm leaves in a few minutes like that, at what point after he met us did he start making the flower, why does he feel like giving to us..I must have looked so confused.I didn't say much more.
"You have a lovely day", waving his hand at us.
We rode away, and I couldnt take my eyes of that rose.
"Thats so lovely, we should have asked him for a picture with you. Right?",my husband looked at the road ahead of him.